Expense Rights Tab

Use the Expense Rights tab to specify rights in the Expense module for the selected functional role.

The Expense Rights tab is available if you are licensed for Deltek Expense.

Expense Report

Field Description
Create Select this check box to give users with this functional role the right to create an expense report or an expense authorization for their employees. If you are adding a new Functional Role Code, this check box is clear by default.  Selecting this check box also selects the View check box.
View Select this check box to give users with this functional role the right to view employee expense reports and expense authorizations. If you are adding a new Functional Role Code, this check box is clear by default.
Modify Select this check box to give users with this functional role the right to modify employee expense reports and expense authorizations. If you are adding a new Functional Role Code, this check box is clear by default. Selecting this check box also selects the View check box.
Adjust Ceiling Amounts Select this check box to give users with this functional role the right to adjust ceiling amounts on employee expense reports and expense authorizations. If you are adding a new Functional Role Code, this check box is clear by default.
Approve Select this check box to give users with this functional role the right to approve employee expense reports and expense authorizations. If you are adding a new Functional Role Code, this check box is clear by default.  Selecting this check box also selects the View check box.
Void Select this check box to give users with this functional role the right to void employee expense reports and expense authorizations. If you are adding a new Functional Role Code, this check box is clear by default.  Selecting this check box also selects the View check box.
Record Attachments Select this check box to give users with this functional role the right to record the receiving of attachments for employee expense reports. If you are adding a new Functional Role Code, this check box is clear by default. Selecting this check box also selects the View check box.
Image Attachments Select this check box to give users with this functional role the right to import attachments. If you are adding a new functional role code, this check box is clear by default.
View Attachments Select this check box to give users with this functional role the right to view attachments that were imported for the expense report or expense authorization. If you are adding a new functional role code, this check box is clear by default.
Allow Revisions without Status Change

Select this check box to allow users with this functional role to make changes in an employee expense report (or authorization) without changing that report's status.

Administrators and supervisors can modify charge allocation information, reimbursement amounts, and other data without requiring employees to re-sign, or supervisors to re-approve, the expense report or authorization.

Expense Report Corrections

Field Description
Expense Corrections Select the type of corrections that can be made to processed expense reports by members of this Functional Role.

Choose one of the following:

  • Not Allowed
  • Net Zero Only
  • All Corrections Allowed

If you select Net Zero, users with this Functional Role can only submit a corrected expense report where no change occurs to the Expense Incurred amount and therefore, the net reimbursement amount remains unchanged.

Fields within Expense Report that affect the Expense Incurred amount are disabled in correcting expense reports. For a complete list of these fields, see Claimed Expenses in the Expense Report online help for information on the following:

  • Car Rental
  • Lodging
  • Meals
  • Other
  • Transportation

f you select All Corrections Allowed, users with this Functional Role can make unlimited corrections to previously submitted expense reports, including to any field that may change the Expense Incurred amount, and therefore, the net reimbursement amount.

Days Past Expense Report Date Enter the number of days past the date of the original expense report members with this Functional Role can correct their processed expense reports. If you enter a value of 0, no time restrictions are applied to the correction period.

Note: This field is disabled if Not Allowed is selected in the Expense Corrections field.
Active Charges Only Select this check box to limit expense corrections to active charges only. If checked, employees with this Functional Role can only correct expense reports that contain Active charges.

Note: This field is disabled if Not Allowed is selected in the Expense Corrections field.